In an historic move the MOB Brains Trust have created a theme for the 2014 tour beyond simply kit design.

What’s more, we’ve decided to reveal this year’s tour theme prior to the tour.

Why? There are a few reasons:

  1. We think the idea is awesome and shouldn’t be kept secret
  2. The theme involves some games and activities for tourists to enjoy right from the start on Friday morning
  3. We’re keen for feedback and ideas on these activities, to make them even better!

So what is this year’s theme?


Is that a typo? No.

It’s the MOB version of Monopoly.

How to Play?

Well, there’s a MOBOPOLY Board (check out the image below).

Then we have rules. We haven’t quite finalised them yet…that’s where you come in. Give us your feedback! Here’s some suggestions so far:

  • Each tourist must nominate & provide a monopoly piece and carry it on them at all times
  • Piece is pinned to their board until they role again
  • Each tourist is awarded 1 or 2 places on the MOBOPOLY board which they “own”
  • Each tourist roles the dice at prescribed times…if you land on someone’s space you must do “x” for the owner
  • If you land on chance or community chest you must pick a card OR each player must draw a chance or community chest card at prescribed times
  • Tourists are awarded for visiting each place on the board prior to Kangaroo Court session.
  • Fewest places visited receives X, most places visited receives Y
  • all activities require one other MOB as a witness

Please share your ideas via the Leave a Reply box below or group email. We want ideas on the rules themselves, along with activities for Chance and Community Chest cards. We’ll collate all ideas by Friday 10 October for the Brains Trust to decide on the final rules and gameplay, which we’ll then share with everyone so you can plan and prepare accordingly.

Jersey Reveal Ceremony

As in previous years we’ll reveal and distribute the playing kit on Friday afternoon at The Great Northern. Question is, does this announcement provide an insight into this year’s design? Maybe….or maybe not.

The MOBOPOLY board